A message from Rev. Damon M Appel: Please see the “About” page for more information on my background and the Church Statement of Faith. I am an Ordained Minister registered in the State of Ohio. My goal is to make these Exemption Letters as personal and impactful for you as possible, while ensuring that everything you submit isn’t a cut-and-paste form letter some companies will reject. In order to do that, I may need to incorporate some information about your personal faith in Jesus Christ, so as to speak meaningfully on your behalf as a Member of the Church of the Exempted. I will attempt to write, personally sign and send these letters for you without charge as long as is feasible, but please consider a donation to cover supplies and time. The way this will work, is that I will email you with a letter that I will sign and scan to PDF. I’ll also provide a draft letter that you should reword in your own style, claiming your own statement of faith, that I highly recommend you submit along with my Exemption Letter (which is really more of a doctrinal stance on how the Bible applies). It is legally important always that YOU personally claim the Faith with your employer/school/etc., as the basis for your requesting a Religious Exemption.
SUBMISSION: When filling-out the form, make sure that you see the message appear at the bottom after responding to the reCAPTCHA and clicking the Send button: “The form was sent successfully”. Your data in the fields above should also have cleared.
NOTARIZATION: Per legal counsel I’ve received, no employer can lawfully require you to have a notarized minister’s letter. If your employer explicitly required this, put it in the “Message to the Ministry” section, and we can discuss timing & compensation, but it will NOT be done “Just in case.”
TIMING: (updated 6/5/23) Responses are usually processed within a few days, unless your deadline requires faster action. These days, these requests are infrequent. So, it would be helpful if you private message me on Facebook Messenger reminding me of your submission, especially if time is of the essence. If I need to call you, and am unable to reach you at the number you provide, response may be put behind others in priority.
INQUIRY: If you need to check on status, send a message on the general Contact Us form at the bottom of page here.